Saturday, October 31, 2009

Journal Prompt: October 30, 2009

What is the scariest movie you've ever seen or the scariest story you ever read?  What made it so scary?

Journal Prompt: October 29, 2009

NHD is one of the most exciting and most stressful parts of being a student at Constitution High School.  How is it going so far?  Did you choose to work with a group or as an individual?  Why?  What's your topic and why did you choose it?  What parts of NHD are you looking forward to?  What are you nervous about?  What can I, as your teacher, help you with?

Please answer in 5-10 sentences.

Journal Prompt: October 27, 2009

Answer in 5-10 sentences:

What does it mean to have a sarcastic sense of humor?  Do you make sarcastic comments?    What are some sarcastic comments you have heard or used lately?  How did you know they were sarcastic?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Journal Prompt: October 26, 2009

Do you think Montressor is a reliable narrator or an unreliable narrator?  Explain why in 5-10 sentences.

Journal Prompt: October 23, 2009

We will learn in "The Cask of Amontillado" that the narrator, Montressor, has a family crest and motto.  His crest is a picture of a snake biting the foot that is stepping on it, and his motto is "Nemo me impune lacessit" (No one attacks me without punishment).  Create a motto and a crest for your family.

Vocab Prompt: October 22, 2009

Choose three of the ten words and use each one in a complete sentence that shows you know the meaning.




Grammar Prompt: October 21, 2009

Write the following sentences correctly by using a semi-colon (;) to separate complete sentences.
1)  For example, he only cared about himself he didn't concern himself with her thoughts and feelings.
2)  I understand why this chapter is called saved it's because in this chapter Malcolm saves his mind.
3)  The movie earned acclaim all the critics loved it.
4)  She longed for tangible evidence of his affection she wanted a ring. 
5)  Poe's stories elicit fear and horror his poems do the same. 

Journal Prompt: October 20, 2009

Today is the National Day on Writing.  To celebrate, read the 6-word memoirs below, and then try one of your own!

Cursed with cancer, blessed with friends.
Lucky in everything else but love.
40K tuition. 30K salary. What gives?
Saw the world and came home.
Found God. Still looking for man.
I can't explain. I'm just sure.
Big hair, big heart, big hurry.
In a Manolo world, I'm Keds.
My period started, I was eight.
Got the ring, lost the girl . . .

Journal Prompt: October 19, 2009

Do you think it's tougher to be a girl or a boy?  Explain your answer in 5-10 sentences.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Journal Prompt: October 16, 2009

According to the story ("Am I Blue?" by Bruce Coville), on "Blue Day" about one in ten people would be bright blue and about one in three people would be at least a little blue.  Given these proportions, do you think the world is ready for "Blue Day"?  Why or why not?

Please answer in 5-10 sentences.

Journal Prompt: October 15, 2009

A stereotype is a commonly held belief about certain social groups or types of individuals. For example: Young people are irresponsible.  Men never cry.  Elderly people are out-of-touch.  Have you ever felt that someone was judging you based on a stereotype?  What happened and how did it feel?

Please answer in 5-10 sentences.

Grammar Prompt: October 14, 2009

Write the following sentences correctly:
1)  The short story Battle Royal was actually the first chapter of a book.
2)  I enjoyed the book Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.
3)Thank You M'am is a short story by Langston Hughes.
4)  Our next story will be Am I Blue?.
5)  Have you read the book Night?

Vocab Prompt: October 13, 2009

Try to think of a word that begins with each of the prefixes below:

bi -                                                                           pre-
dis -                                                                         pro-
in -                                                                           re-
inter-                                                                        sur-
mis -                                                                        un-  

Friday, October 9, 2009

Journal Prompt: October 9, 2009

The scores are in from the Acuity tests we took!

                                         reading                reading            total
                                    comprehension        analysis            score
District Average             51.5%                53.0%                 52.2%
Region Average             66.0%                65.2%                65.6%
School Average             65.5%                 64.0%                  64.8%
Class Average                 70.0%                63.7%                67.0%

What do you notice about this data?  What does it say about our school?  What does it say about our class?   Write 3-5 sentences.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Journal Prompt: October 8, 2009

We've all heard people talk about the "American Dream."  What is the American Dream?  What do you have to do to acheive it?  Is it open to everyone, or just to certain people?

Please answer in 5-10 sentences.

Grammar Prompt: October 7, 2009

Correct the following quotes.  *Remember I,QPP!

1)   The narrator's grandfather tells him to overcome 'em with yeses, undermine 'em with grins, agree 'em to death and destruction (1)
2)  Before the battle royal, the narrator says "it was though I had suddenly found myself in a dark room full of cottonmouths (3).
3)  The narrator explains why the speech is important to him when he says, "I felt that only these men could judge truly my ability. (6)

Journal Prompt: October 6, 2009

Every day, at school and in the city, I hear dozens of insults.  What are the different types of insults you hear each day?  Who are these insults meant for?  Who says them?  Why do you think people insult each other?  When you have insulted someone in the past, why did you do it?

Please answer in 5-10 sentences.

Vocab Prompt: October 5, 2009

Choose one adjective, one noun, and one verb, and write a sentence for each.  Make sure your sentence shows that you understand the meaning of the word.

adjectives - curt, irate, wary, subsequent
nouns - zeal, dilemma, inclination
verbs - retort, demoralize, sabotage

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Journal Prompt: October 2, 2009

Write a mathematical word problem to try to stump your classmates.  It could involve distance or time travelled (think of your trip to school), grades, prices for things you like to buy, or the money that you make and spend each week.  Be creative, but make sure you solve the problem and have a correct answer ready.

Journal Prompt: October 1, 2009

Answer the following prompt in 5-10 sentences:
When was the last time that you faced a dilemma?  What were your options?  Why was the choice difficult?  In the end, what did you decide?